UE Virtual High School Changemaker Challenge Offers Full Tuition Scholarships

Evansville, IN (11/18/2020) — The University of Evansville (UE) is pleased to announce the upcoming sixth annual High School Changemaker Challenge, sponsored by Toyota, will be held virtually this year. Any high school junior or senior in America and around the world is invited to participate for a chance to win one of several four-year, full tuition scholarships.

In previous years, teams of students have submitted projects for the High School Changemaker Competition. This year, due to the difficulties of gathering amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenge will seek online entries from individual students and judging will be conducted virtually.

"As an Ashoka U Changemaker Campus, we wanted to adapt and find creative ways to make this event possible for high school students," said Erin Lewis, interim director for UE's Center for Innovation & Change. "We believe everyone can be a changemaker, and offering the competition virtually allows anyone in the world to share their idea to create positive change."

A virtual session will launch the event and is scheduled for Friday, November 20, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. The Zoom meeting will be led by Lewis; Zac Parsons, local entrepreneur; and Robert Lopez, a former competitor and current UE student. To register, visit evansville.edu/cc-hs.

Students can submit an idea spanning several categories, from health and social justice to environmental and regional issues (ideas tackling something Evansville-specific).

Winning students in each category who choose UE as their college destination will receive four-year scholarships to attend UE as listed below:

"The High School Changemaker Challenge gives students the opportunity to make their dream a reality," said Jill Griffin, interim vice president for enrollment and marketing. "Our hope is that this competition inspires a generation of youth to think big and positively impact the world around them."

Detailed information is available at evansville.edu/cc-hs. You may contact uechangemaker@evansville.edu for questions.