Nathaniel Graves
  • Special Education
  • Rensselaer, IN

Nathaniel Graves of Rensselaer Studies Abroad at University of Evansville's British Campus

2013 Jan 7

University of Evansville student Nathaniel Graves of Rensselaer, IN, will spend the Spring 2013 semester studying abroad at Harlaxton College, UE's British campus near Grantham, England.

Graves, who is majoring in Special Education, is among 161 students who began classes today at Harlaxton, housed in a 120-room Victorian manor in the East Midlands countryside.

"For more than 40 years, studying at Harlaxton College has been a definitive part of the University of Evansville experience. Where else can students live and study in a grand manor house, travel throughout the United Kingdom and Europe on weekends, and form lasting ties with local residents?" said Earl Kirk, UE director of study abroad. "We're thrilled to provide this life-transforming educational experience for students such as Nathaniel Graves, and we wish all of the Spring 2013 Harlaxton students a semester of learning, discovery, and growth."

The Harlaxton curriculum features a core course, The British Experience, which offers an interdisciplinary introduction to British life and culture. Literature, art history, economics, history, and political science are part of the course, which combines lectures, seminars, and field trips to locations such as Lincoln and London. In addition to The British Experience, students enroll in a range of classes in the liberal arts and pre-professional studies. Harlaxton College's British faculty is supplemented by visiting faculty members from American institutions.

Optional weekend trips to destinations such as London, Paris, Ireland, Wales, and the Lake District in northern England provide students with opportunities to engage the culture in Britain and beyond. While at Harlaxton, students may participate in the popular Meet-a-Family program, athletics, and other activities.