Melanie Conn
  • Computer Science
  • Owensboro, KY

Melanie Conn of Owensboro Places Third in Regional Computer Programming Contest

2012 Nov 8

The University of Evansville is proud to announce that Melanie Conn of Owensboro, KY, was a member of the third place team at the Association for Computing Machinery regional programming contest on Saturday, November 3, at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky. Conn is a graduate of Apollo High School majoring in Computer Science.

The annual programming contest pits teams of three university students against eight complex problems with a five-hour deadline. Huddled around a single computer, competitors race against the clock to rank the difficulty of the problems, deduce the requirements, design test beds, and build software systems that solve the problems.

The University of Evansville fielded two teams that competed against 151 teams throughout the Mid-Central region, which included students from Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, and Tennessee. Conn's team placed third among the 14 teams at the Murray State site and 34th regionally.

The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest is sponsored by IBM and headquartered at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Tens of thousands of students and faculty from more than 2,200 universities compete in the contest, representing 85 countries and six continents.