UE Launches Early Start Education Program for High School Juniors and Seniors

Students Can Complete up to Five Required Courses Before High School Graduation, All Online

Evansville, IN (10/28/2019) — The University of Evansville has launched an Early Start Education Program that will enable high school juniors and seniors to earn college credit. Prior to their graduation from high school, students in the program will be able to complete up to five required courses for an education degree at UE and receive the Early Start Education Program Certificate.

Coursework will include classes in education, psychology, and the health sciences. Students who decide not to pursue an education degree after enrolling at UE can choose another major while still retaining the credits. Several of these courses are required for other majors at UE.

"The program has many benefits to participating students," said Sharon Gieselmann, chair of UE's School of Education. "It will reduce heavy class loads, allow students in the program to potentially complete their education degree at UE in just three and a half years, and enable study abroad."

Beginning in the Spring of 2020, classes will be available at $125 per credit hour. All classes are offered in a convenient online format, making it easy for high school students to get an early start on their college education.

"This is a smart investment for students and their families," said Gieselman.

UE also has a number of other programs in place to address the need for well-prepared, motivated professional teachers. These programs include the Teaching Fellows Scholarship, Transition to Teaching licensure program, Accelerated Elementary Education Degree program, Ivy Tech articulation agreement, and reduced tuition for transfer students in education.

For more information, contact the School of Education at education@evansville.edu or by phone at 812-488-2368.

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Students Can Complete up to Five Required Courses Before High School Graduation, All Online